Mansoor Adayfi addresses the Amplify Human Rights Festival

Andy Worthington, Mansoor Adayfi and Sara Birch at the Amplify Human Rights Festival at Woolwich Works on 7 Dec 2024

The UK Guantanamo Network appeared at the Amplify Human Rights Festival at Woolwich Works on 7 Dec 2024.

Guantanamo ex-detainee Mansoor Adyfi spoke, alongside Journalist Andy Worthington, the UKGN’s Co-Convener Sara Birch and Lise Rossi and Mark Clixby of Amnesty International.

“The Amplify event was a huge success” said Sara Birch afterwards, “Members of the audience fed back to me how impressed they were with both Mansoor and Andy’s presentations and passion.”

The event, run by Amnesty International UK, included speakers on a wide range of issues you can read in their full programme here.